Thursday 23 February 2012


As we approach the end of February we are aware within our true nature that all that has existed until this present moment has become freed into the matrix of oneness and the blessings of unity and deep awareness.
There is a lifting of the veil through longing that has reached its peak of everlasting seeing......all that has existed has been merged into the unity of wisdom and the everlasting present......aaaaaaagh.....
Searching is over and blissful moments arise out of the breathless sense of being.....and reuniting with those parts of ourselves that are known as never before.........
The truth of the illusion and its deep knowingness that has troubled many souls throughout history is healing and rising into the vibration of peace , uniting with the ancient source of one heart and one embodiment of the old ways that are knowledgeable and free.........the moment lingers and deepens as we breathe in the breath of life and its deep sensitivity to who we are.......
As awareness opens the senses speak of the incredible journey we are on as individuals who are living and exploring this source...........powerful and blessed with gratitude for life and its message that is personal to us.......
Stay blissful.............and blessed............