Tuesday 12 January 2021


 This present moment......deep unity and peace.......aaaaaagh...!

We are blessed with the freedom and knowledge of our way as gatekeepers and conduits of light as we move thro this time of deep awareness growing and find within ourselves the knowing self and ability to transcend the illusion that is our present day experience .

When we look at life and what has been created we can live in the role of the observor ......watching and blessing each given moment as a place of true life force .....embracing the sacred in life......

Feeling into the illusion and manufactured identities that are unified with our internal makeup ....we become who we truly are......beyond matter .......

Look deep within the heart .......the senses and neutrality ....the joy of being......

You will find your soul connection ........a place of beauty and joy.......true knowing......living from source...

Inner wisdom opens and deepens guiding the way.......

All becomes One......
