Tuesday 15 April 2014


April is awakenng and deepening into the hearts of the one source of life...............
As women we are becoming who we are as a source of nourishment and light for ourselves and our own frequency and vibration of togetherness, being with the soul and the awakening more and more..........
The planets are aligning and assisting us through our process which is deeply loving and transformational......we are living conduits of this New Earth and her joyous existence of love .............
Deeply connected we will be blessed with a sense of newness , self identity freeing itself to breathe into the moment as a light being and a sensual source of awareness which is our true nature and history of woman.
The skin feels soft , the body is illuminating our soft sweetness from the heart and the heart of Gaia who shares our knowledge of earth and sun and moon as a frequency of opening and uniting the hearts of humanity and this planet we walk and live on as one source of love...............
Be aware of the tender moments within ourselves , sometimes emotional and tearful as we find ourselves being cleansed of inner emotions and timeless energies which quantify who we are as blessed feminine source healing and blissful companions of source...........
When the mood shifts and the light shines from within, we are reuniting with our desire for recognition as pure sweetness and the nature of her heart will speak of life as a source of completeness and true knowing of earthly matters ..............the power of the feminine and her birthing of this new age on earth.........
Bless our Mother Earth each day with the love of source and our own ability to share this space with her .............
Blessed be..................