Monday 1 April 2024

Ether and life form

 Blessings beloveds.......mooving around in the energies....between worlds............embodiment of our crystalline form....illusion shifting.......the light of the soul.......aaaaaaagh....!

As we move around with a unified form we are living between the etheric and physical existence ......navigating our way ..........experiencing the ether and its dream like state ......merging with Gaia and her light .......bringing life together from within.........listening to our hearts and soul...ifying that which we cannot see or understand.........

The physical body and its crystallization is light body and density merging together as one field of light........feeling in ........disorientation as the softness of the etheric and its magic lives thro us ......increased density can be felt........separation......source consciousness activates.......we are being "held" amidst the light..ness of being.......staying upright and balanced ....seeing clearly.......all is diissolving within and outside .......we perceive the beauty and love that is felt thro the unseeing eye........unconditional and wise ........non judgemental.......we are pure source light thro our embodiment........aaaaaaagh....!....

Unity is the joy and upliftment .......being connected.........we are the unified without expectation as our Universe molds and cares for us programming limitation......

Being "human" is our birthright .......we feel we have a "right" to live due to history ......stagnation.......DNA........uprightedness is our freedom to chooose........letting goooooo........aaaaaaagh....!

We are no longer doing .......we are serving humanity as a whole being who knows and trusts that all wil be is neccessary to listen........guidance and respect for our amazing energies.......this body and its technology.............reveals who we are..........infinite stars embodying this shift of the ages........

The heart no longer is designed thro neutrality to become its natural state of love......unconditional and wise.........we allow our essence to grow.........raising the frequency .....sharing the joy........of truly being.......

It is a time of deep silence       inside and out .......our world altars in its natural state to the vibration of purest form and her love for all of life...........

No striving ......thriving .........breathing as One source of love.........aaaaaagh.....!

Blessed be.......
