Wednesday 28 November 2012


November has opened and is almost over , so fast this month has disappeared into the illusion and has deepened into..............all that a metaphor for being and strength...........
This timeless moment is dissolving fast and every breath deepens into the freedom we have sought for lifetimes................. becoming our own internal knowing and wisdom that speaks through the sacred woman of who she is..............
We are approaching the years end and the New World that has awakened and speaks through us is blessing our lives with openings of flow and Golden energies that glow amidst the darkness and entertains us with the winters warmth within our hearts and souls...........
It is a powerful union we are experiencing as we watch ourselves as blissful beings emerging through the power points of the new earth and our Mother singing her song of recognition...........
We are blessed to be here and experience the souls longing for peace and union with source as a place of sharing who we are .....................
Blessings for the silence and warmth of heart.........

Wednesday 10 October 2012


Beauty and light is transformed into oneness.........insights are awakened and peace is on earth as a place of return and joyous wonder.........the space of the illumanata within all of us that seeks truth and wisdom as a place of reassurance and beauty...........
There is much to look forward to as we merge with the Divine and all that is as a path of soul reflection and awareness of life as it truly is...........
The Blessed ones walk the earth through us and with us showing the way for the new earth to emerge and birthing its openness to the light of ourselves..........
As we approach the end of October and winter nights of deepening and solitude , we can say thanks for this year of grace and the changes that are being experienced as a place of enlightenment and pure joy.......emerging into the Golden Age of energy that is beauty and love combined , subtle yet powerful we are souls returning home to the ancient ways and natures call for non resistance and peace..........
Blessings and one and all............

Tuesday 11 September 2012

September hues and magic are awakening us to the allurement and majesty of this season and its shift in awakening into the timeless and wise earth that is growing............
Softening and opening the Mother is showing us how to grow like a spring flower that has buds early in the season , the time has come to free ourselves through natures awakening and the ability to free ourselves through Mother Earth healing and surprises that bring joy and fulfillment. Look for the blessings in the earth at this moment how nature is guiding us and allowing us to be loved through her gentle source and free expression...........
Earth changes are full of synchronicities which are unspoken but symbolise the greatness of being and the largeness of life through its heartfelt message that says things are not what they seem and not what they used to be...........
Seasons fall away to a beauty that is steeped in misinterpretation.....beyond the questioning the soul knows its way home and is blessed with the joy and love of this shift in light and consciousness as Divine souls finding our way home to the heavenly source and freedom on Earth...........
Blessed women who are being enlightened as the source of all things will feel their energy elevate through many moments of knowing who they are as the healers and birthing forms of light filled elevation and simple mysteries...........
Moving into the deep awareness of heart and source allows all that is to be held and released as a source of joy and illumination.................we are living light forms living a holy life.............amazing.............
At the dawn of day the light returns to the Earth and awakens us as one source of being that is held and blessed with the dawn of ourselves and our own source of joy...............
Blessing to all and one...............

Friday 10 August 2012

Wow..........!........the timeless and the etheric merge beyond reasoning as we dissolve into the "I Am" presence our heartfelt message of peace and blissful union opens us more and more to the frequencies of light and the powerful array of energies that speak through us and with us as Divine souls on this journey of new earth and deepening..........
Many of us are experiencing the quickening and wisdom as we integrate who we are with our natural selves ..........without questioning we trust and open ourselves as one source of love and wisdom..........the wise ones are with us also walking this earth and assisting the planetary sensitivity as we grow beyond our own understanding of life as one being of heart and soul................
The frequencies of light generate so much power as we emerge through our beingness as wisdom keepers and women who heal through being...............
All is generated as one source.......light frequencies are upgraded in this moment and we watch as life is transformed with us and through us...........amazing.........our capacity too bless ourselves and lives passage as women and soul connectors who share this message through who we are..............
Miracles and magical moments are opened into our awareness as we realise the capacity of growth that we have embodied and freed to be here at this time on Mother Earth.....healing her wounds and knowing that this is our purpose at this timeless moment to stay earthed and walk our frequency with balance and serenity as beings of light on earth................
Asking for our needs to be freed into the matrix of all being as women of the stars who enlighten this earth with our presence and magnificence................
Guided and whole we share spirit and one heart as blessed ones who bring peace and Divine love to the hearts of those we connect with and free............................
Blessings for this timeless moment and the love we share as sisters and wise women who have the courage to move beyond the illusion into the truth of life and the eternal now..............
Blessings and love................

                                                    Image by Rissouli.................

Thursday 19 July 2012

Awakening Source

Blissful moments arising into the etheric and the matrix of all being are being experienced as we move towards this union of deep knowing and gratitude for all that fully awaken our being as one source of light and feel the blessings of this moment as a frequency of joyous opening and living this energy through our ability to feel and be true to our lives passage as women and healers of soul.........
There is a powerful sensitivity arising as we move through 2012 into the next period of the New Earth and birthing our desires as beings of freedom and strength.......the calling of the wise woman into a time of fruition and embracing lives growth as a powerful ability to rise to the moment and its frequencies of love..........
Releasing becomes freed into the timeless opening of Gaia and her hearts desire for peace and beauty to be shared as light beings with joyous messages to unfold and be heard............
For those women who have experienced the deep awareness of this time and have asked for the space and freedom to create .....this is the freedom you have been asking for...........speak and you are heard ........fully enjoy the energies and extend yourselves to the opening and deep integration of our experiences through Divine flow and free spirit.........enjoy..........aaaaaaaaagh.....................!
May the life that is given be blessed with the beauty of this amazing time on earth and the wise ones who share with us their deep love..................wondrous and joyous..........
Blessings and love to all and one.............

Wednesday 6 June 2012


Planetary alignments and the heart of us all are deepening into our everyday moments as we experience the joy of ourselves through the unseen and natural world which brings energy and freedom into perspective.......
The ancient source is opening our being...ness into the light of the world and we are becoming that which is our true nature and strength through awareness of this source........
The blessings enter into this moment ..........we are connected with our angelic self and experience the beauty of the angels nature as unconditional and forever free................
Longing becomes now and we are an embodiment of the creators vision of ourselves as we live in the presence of this powerful alignment beyond the illusion and blessed with the knowing of our own lives passage as magical and wondrous..........
As we move through the Venus transit we understand that we are whole magnified into the being that we source and one love........complete and free..............
Blessed be..........

Friday 18 May 2012


The New Moon energies on 20th May are bringing powerful awareness to the awakening soul and the need to empower our blissfulness with blessings that are greater than who we are................
We are living in an eternal awakening as we grow through the New Moon and the solar awakening of Mother Earth and her graceful knowledge of why we are here at this present moment ..............
The opening of source within our daily lives allows us to be freed into awareness and be blessed as a union with our creator and source energies..........we feel the personal longing to be home with ourselves as we finally shift into the opportunities to be still and transform together as one soul family.........
The power and the presence of our blessed Mother ......Earth and Cosmos awakening together bring an opening of our being that is wild and ecstatic...........
Feminine source coming together with the rays of light and vibrations of freedom carry us into the New World as a global matrix of illusive transformation.............
Grounding and blessing our lives and the wisdom that escalates as a powerful resource to bring our moments into the everlasting breath of love and the embrace of the field of longing which speaks through us and empowers the woman into the graciousness of transformation............
Blessed be for this New World being borne through and with us as an awakening source of golden rays and transformational joy.........

Tuesday 1 May 2012


May and splendour, awakening and wisdom are blessing us with the freedom of knowing that life is forever arising from within........
As we breathe through these days of springtime and the colours of the season we are blessed with the knowledge that lives passageway is changing and we are guided into the light and spirit of who we are........coming home to the blessed ones who care and show us the way...........aaaaaaagh..........!
Opening the body to the primal senses and walking in the graceful and enlightening spaces of ourselves.......we are meeting and sharing in personal unity always............
The mirror opens and the eternal flight into the wise one has become our true nature as we sense the illusion as an opening into the bliss...........ful......... union....................reuniting with ourselves as never before.............
Powerful places are being awakened through breath.......each moment becoming freed and enlivening our spirit with this time of deepening connection and wisdom's light .........knowing who we are...........
We are the blessed ones...............

Image by "Rissouli"

Monday 16 April 2012


Mid April hues and magic are entering the sphere of longing and we are living out our dreams through non conforming and freeing our spirit into the wise ones beingness...........
Many blessings are being received in this moment.............the illusion is opening and our hearts can rejoice at the simple moments of breathing and living this life with connection and love........
It is the ancient source that longs to be listened to and heard as the manifest becomes freed , we are grounding our energies into the matrix and abundant source of  wisdom that is everlasting and knowledgable.......
Listen to your heart....your own will sense the change within....this knowing source of abundant energy will feed you beyond the illusive into the awakening woman and her deep longing for peace and trust........aaaaaaaagh........!
The questions of this lifetime are lifted beyond the veil into the welcoming source of truth and who we have become real and powerful.......
We are blessed with the and ever...feeling blessed with heart and soul........... remembrance that blesses this breath with deep gratitude for .......and .......Mother..........
Mother Earth in her natural state calls us home to find our freedom amidst the soul...itude........connection and wholeness............
The Lightbody is growing and experiencing the Masters blessings and response to our desire to free our illusion and become the blessed one who walks this earth with the light and wisdom of the ancients and their message of gratitude for our own presence at this time.........
Mystery becomes joy as we create from this source of the unknown yet everknowing self who has awakened and birthed the new energies into beingness......
Honouring the sensitive feelings that are growing inside and becoming the stillness that will be shared with others through our own ability to grow and translate who we are........
We are the blessed ones............enjoy the peace that is natural and free.........

Tuesday 27 March 2012


Peace and stillness are opening our hearts to the awakening process more and more........the illusive is shifting into the limitations of the sphere and our own deepening becomes freer and peaceful........
When hearts are linked and intertwined there is a knowing that seeks beyond this illusion into the freedom of beingness and acceptance of who we are.........
Joy is manifest and love is forever sensed as a peaceful embrace with the Divine and our own union with source.........
As we reach the end of March we can see far reaching blessings being illuminated and creating our path of light and beauty...........simple moments that are eternal and the breath of ourselves extends the heart beyond this physical world into the connection with our angels and guides who are sharing and showing us who we are.....
The coming months are being shown as an eternal knowing and the unspoken is the power of our own ability to free this moment into the everlasting breath........lingering on and on................aaaaaaaaaagh............
Deep cellular awakening and the bodies ability to speak its language of soul is also guiding us into the shift of consciousness and the earth's matrix ......... life is uplifting and light.....buoyant and magical...........
Time to dance the wave and lift the illusion through the joyful expression of our hearts opening to Gaia and her illuminata that is around us and inside us ........... we are Divine beings living a human experience............
Blessings for life , love and heart........

Sunday 11 March 2012


Wow the illusion has slipped into the light of everseeing and knowing and we are opening the neverending sensitivity as a place of blessings and deep everlasting connection with source........
Where once the questions arose we are now being asked to trust lives passageway through a powerful merging of spirit and knowledge that is inherent in our capacity to be and know what is good for our higher states of longing and becoming freer..........
The dissolution of human makeup is our own capacity to live beyond the understanding of past expectations that have created our path as it was and now is shifting into the alignment of this planetary awakening and healing.......
The blessed ones are assisting us through the transition, the awakened ones are collecting as consciousness and supporting the illumination of our own desires to live as one unite into wholeness and Divine love.......
If you have felt the overwhelming urge to move and shake off the energies and the realisation of being beyond the illusive nature .....comes into form through a sense of natural being.....the breath is doing our work for us and we can collect ourselves into the moment and live this infinite self through acknowledgement of source and life as this deepening and acceptance..............aaaaaaaaaaaagh................
Asking for our needs to be accepted as wholeness and freedom allows the lifeforce and wise ones to merge and support us through and beyond into the capacity to enjoy the lifting vibrations as one source and all life as interconnectedness and wisdom..............
We are free.........................
Blessed be..................

Thursday 23 February 2012


As we approach the end of February we are aware within our true nature that all that has existed until this present moment has become freed into the matrix of oneness and the blessings of unity and deep awareness.
There is a lifting of the veil through longing that has reached its peak of everlasting seeing......all that has existed has been merged into the unity of wisdom and the everlasting present......aaaaaaagh.....
Searching is over and blissful moments arise out of the breathless sense of being.....and reuniting with those parts of ourselves that are known as never before.........
The truth of the illusion and its deep knowingness that has troubled many souls throughout history is healing and rising into the vibration of peace , uniting with the ancient source of one heart and one embodiment of the old ways that are knowledgeable and free.........the moment lingers and deepens as we breathe in the breath of life and its deep sensitivity to who we are.......
As awareness opens the senses speak of the incredible journey we are on as individuals who are living and exploring this source...........powerful and blessed with gratitude for life and its message that is personal to us.......
Stay blissful.............and blessed............

Saturday 28 January 2012


Wow the heat and fire on planet earth is on the increase and humanity is gathering its energy to fuel the coming year and its release of challenges that are fortuitous and wise...
Escalation of energies are in the force of gravity and deep feeling that is linking with the source of all life ....we are entering into the havoc with a deep resonance to balance and alleviate the past that is held and is asking for release....
As we enter into February the energies of fire and the blessings that come from freeing ourselves will enter into the matrix of all beings and we will feel an indefinable connection that is powerful.......seeing through the illusion is important as we are entering through the doorway of wisdom and frank truth that seems stuck and is asking for us as human beings to go into our held parts and free them allowing the human blueprint to alter and become wise.....
Wisdom is needed to be part of this new earth....seeing beyond the limitations into our own sacred self and what we believe in....what is truth and what is illusion........
When the blinkers are removed and the eyes can truly see what is real we wil experience deep love and connection with our forefathers and their ancient history which is the strength and wisdom of the ancient source........
Being part of this shift is an opportunity to merge into the oneness of being and use our gifts to truly heal the consciousness of the rising earth connect holistically in all of lives free perception knowing that we are part of the great plan which has been held throughout time awaiting the perfection of now and blessing life with the purity of being...heartfelt and resolute..the fire can be released as a place of remembrance and freedom......

Wednesday 18 January 2012


Wow.....the awakening and shift of the ages is moooviiing into being...ness......we are experiencing amazing clearings of energy and clarity........
Staying with the process and centred in the experience of wisdom and light which clarifies the souls journey into oneness and freedom.......
At this point in this timeless paradigm of growth ..... the opportunity is to rise above and through the energies as we are given a bountiful presence which illuminates and shows that we are blessed with an awesome power of lives knowing and growing through the barriers created that have held us in our presence of belief that is everchanging and magical......
Grounding shifts, earth awakening more and more the everpresent moment becomes free and we flow with the grace of limitless freedom that allows us to step into life and glow.........sharing our light and beauty with the earth and our light beingness.....
Elevation and walking into the seeming madness opens us and brings the lightness and humour of life into the present ............aaaaaaaaaaagh........the breath of life.........deepening and flooowiiing.........
The earth's sounds are changing ...we may hear and experience the vibration as our own personal shift into higher consciousness.......feeling the opening as we rebirth and awaken through deep connection and love for this experience that blesses life with uniqueness and wise woman combined.......
Creativity and expression emerges and we live through the breath of God and this timelessness that frees our perception into deep being....ness and happening that is magical and joyous......
To all women and their process of life.......may the coming days and deep nights free us into our heartfelt longing and peace..........
Blessed be....

Tuesday 10 January 2012

2012 and Woooman............

Wow its 2012 and powerful energies are asking us to deepen and be.............the woman inside is asking for a fresh awakening be born again as her own saviour and free herself like never before..............
Stepping into the vastness of being and purifying the souls message of who she is at this moment in history and blessing her life with eternal feeling and grandness............opening.............
This starting point to a year seems unidentifiable as we grow beyond time and await the emerging shift of possibilities that are beyond expression and blessed with knowing......
Staying in this space of listening and being brings powerful blessings that are perceived as knowledge and awakening as one.......bearing fruits of sweetness and love......
Power is growing it seems on this earth and the Mother is organising her abundance as she finely chooses that which should remain and that which should go...........
The power is illusion breaking through the realities that need to be seen and indentified as such but also releasing the shift into higher consciousness.....telling us to wait for the crystal to break and emerge as all it should be .....everything is taken care and you will find your heart in the midst of seeming chaos.....
Our programming is changing......we stand together separate and one all together as a frequency of illusive knowing that changes the course of history into the new world that is being born........
Blessings are being sent and received worldwide to ground the ilusion into our hearts and connect our souls with this new frequency............
This opportunity is to free ouselves and our makeup, our families and our past lessons into the heart of Gaia and her ascension process..........
Blessings and deep gratitude for all that is........