Thursday 4 June 2015


June and the etheric has brought much to see that was transparent...........

The illusion of this year of 2015 has broken through the majestic forms of light , we are living in the crystalline earth and its radiance,  the illusion has become a feeling of depth and sensitivity that obscures our vision and we are at one with the peace and stillness beyond that which was held and is now revealing itself as a beautiful source of light and wisdom.

The wise woman has increased her energies, as a beautiful conduit she manifests and grows within her own knowing , providing herself with the knowledge of all that is . Clear and free she has absorbed her wisdom as a gift of fullness and healing for the souls who bless her with her own oneness.......she is identified as a midwife of spirit and form.....

The woman inside and the shaman who recognises the messages of source that are shown to her as a magic and wonder of this new earth and its powerful resonance of being free of that which does not serve her as a woman of source.........

She illuminates and journeys to the heart of all things, the matters of life are resolved and dissolved as she is seen in her newness as a blessing of the feminine and being welcomed in to share her knowledge and energies ...........a wise woman of the greater forms of life and its many blessings.......

As she acknowledges her gifts and accepts who she is she will allow the delusion of the illusion to be transformed into the heart of Gaia , she will at last understand who she is as a blessed healer and free spirit who connects with all life......

The woman of source is knowledgable beyond any experiences of anything other than her souls desire to open and release that which is creating suffering and pain to Mother Earth........she knows who she is and she speaks freely to the Mother knowing she is heard and will be blessed with the healing neccessary to free the future generations and the timeless knowing that is accepted as a source of light and universal source.

Tapping into this beauty brings a magical love that is free and a kingdom on earth that is balanced , joyous and truly enlightened as heaven on earth.

Blessed be........

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