Wednesday 28 December 2011


Powerful shifts over the Xmas period on earth as the christ consciousness was asking for deep healing and release in the hearts of humanity and the essence of being.......
The message for the woman inside is one of deep longing and passion for lives feeling that wishes to be accepted as a source of energy and wisdom.....
The heart shift and the beauty of the woman is lightening and freeing herself as she loves her deep sensitivity that is creative and colourful........light energy and bubbles of exuberance.......
Holding space for this release within our own multi dimensional being....ness is asking for the love and energies to be magnified and mirrored as sweetness and purity...........seeking the inside , outside of ourselves is powerful as we sense the magic in all that is.....
Allowing the energies of the 2011 to become timeless and knowing that we are whole within the openings of the 2012 energies allows our true nature to be grounded into oneness and soul connection that supports us in the love and joy of a new awakening that is taking us into the wise woman and a time of respect and deep acceptance of our gifts of life......
Blessings and love to my sisters and our loving hearts that are freeing the natural world into fullness, abundance and everlasting love......................aaaaaaaaaaaaagh..........................

Thursday 15 December 2011


This period over the next few weeks to February 2012 is a time of movement on this earth that is future knowing coming into the creation of source energy and Divine love........
As Women we are being aligned to the energies of 2012 through the indefinable and everknowing source of our own being that is saying to be free within the shift which is manifesting and creating more freedom and less setbacks in our own perception........World events are being manufactured rather than being "seen" .....this means that all that we know to be true to life is changing as we merge with the inquantifiable and logical mindsets are no longer present .......the truth of knowing is being asked to be accepted as a reality that allows the past history of suffering through control to be released and to stay present in the deepening source of lives wonder and magic.
What we feel we need to know is no longer a neccessity...this frees up energy to leave space for illumination and the power of the openings of 2012 which will give us our birthright as a place of feeling and depth that senses the inner realms aligned with source and our world as mystical and language is heard through the distant source that is now here in the spectrum of lives awareness and the blessings of who we are.......
There is much to share and be joyous about .......staying aligned with this beauty which is ongoing and neverending when we open our hearts to the freedom of this time on Earth.............
Staying within our awareness will allow the magic to ring true ....the wisdom of the ancients to sing their song of reality as a blessing of love and opening that is the blessing of release that raises our vibration into the power of one heart and soul.....we will be birthed into the purity of being.....aaaaaaaaaaaaagh..........amazing...........
As we reach the end of 2011 time has dissolved into the etheric field of longing and it is filling us up with the illuminata....................the cries and longings are forgiven and shared as a source of energy which creates a foundation for this New World which can be sensed and uplifted through connection and wise knowing.........
I wish all of us as women worldwide to feel the beauty of connection as sisters who are healers and natural resources for presence of heart and feeling............surrendering into the love and being honoured as the Divine Feminne source and light.............................bless you all sisters.........Namaste........................

Friday 25 November 2011

LUNA................MOON GODDESS.......

The awakening moon is releasing and becoming "known" through her own planetary shift at this time.......
Moon cycles are changing and women on planet earth are experiencing the shift of the ages, the blessings of unity and the joy of forgiveness as heart expands and expresses the wisdom that is our birthright......
Freedom is our spirit and is becoming earthed into our heartspace as a place of depth that is interconnected and truly unique.......
As women we are always connected ...moon cycles , longing and womb energies are shared as a language of soul...the midwife inside us and the knowing of our own desire for connection and healing of this feminine source.........
When we experience this interconnectedness , the Goddess dwells deep within the hearts of the souls on this earth who are blessed with the beauty of our wise woman who is shared through a sense of peace.....
As we become deeper into our own sensitivity it is known that we are raising the consciousness and blessing ourselves and this earth with the timeless gifts of the everlasting source.........aaaaaaaaaaaaagh...........
It is the breath of life and our sharing the embodiment of change through our physicality and feeling our Mother in her own deep birthing that is shared and blessed with this shift of the ages........
A woman's body is the heart of life, she is sharing her own loving embrace with herself her children and family through being, the unspoken and the cellular connection with Mother Earth that expresses through her she experiences these shifts she will feel the process and know why she is connected with this earth as a powerful depth that is felt by many, her instincts tell her what is shared is true to life and that those that are experiencing change are also awakening to themselves.........
Womans' power and her healing self has been silenced through time, there has been so much grief because of this...those of us that feel this loss are experiencing a mass awakening of feminine source through the women throughout history that have been punished for being this source of energy and its profound healing......
This presence at this time is asking for forgiveness and to be blessed with the acceptance of the gifts of healing and purpose of those powerful women who are part of this history........being grounded and accepted as a truth amongst all of us men and women.......
On this day I am asking for peace for the women who walk this earth ..........that they are respected and honoured as beings of pure form and the silence of the ages which now manifests as love and deep union with all that is........
Honour the darkness inside.........share your story with the moon and the stars who illuminate the galaxy and this earth with their beauty and magic........the sparkle of life......................Namaste........

Friday 18 November 2011

11.11.11. Energy

Deepening, ....opening.........awareness....expansion ......widening into the stratesphere of oneness and multidimensional form...........Wow.........
As Women we are freeing the illusion before it takes hold and releasing into the great expansion of union and source....aaaaaaaaaagh.........making love with the energies and transmuting the physical being....ness......into bliiiiiisssssss.......
This time is beyond birthing but rather renewing source...breathing in who we are ...expanding.....releasing and freeing immediately into the quiet abyss..........
New Moon awaits us next Thursday 24th November.......more freedom awaits .... as moon cycles are changing and the resistance is disappearing into the fullness of life and our own pure hearts......opening this vessel into our own deep fullness we embody the cycle into our own beauty and wisdom........intuition rises......bliss expands and the body feels the sensations of love as an opportunity to "see" beyond this earthly dimension and create our lives longing as a place of sacred heart...union with all that is...........
Pleasure arises out of nothingness and we listen inside to this woman and her heartfelt life that is stability........we are earthed through the matrix of being......... into the sweetness of life........ merging into the new energies with confidence and everincreasing depth that speaks through us...... and with us..... as longing diminishes into strength and fulfillment ........striding out into earths beauty and dancing the song of wise one....wisdom keeper of soul and those that we share with.....on our journey.........
So much beauty is felt as the rising energies support us into the sharing with a sense of oneness as we grow together and raise each others energy into the adventure of being.........naked and free we are speaking our souls desire and being listened to...acknowledged and freed by our soul family of heart..........
A time of amazing sensitivity and blissful union...........enjoy...........sisters........

Love and blessings

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Creation and Timing

Creation and unity are opening our hearts to the wisdom of being and our true freedom within.

For many of us this is about timing....... that part of our evolution......... that is creating our purposeful lives freely and releasing the historical self, conditioning and our sense of belonging that is intrinsic to our soul's on this earth.

It is an amazing time in the zone of timeless wisdom that always strengthens our resolve and belief in who we are as a human race......

This period is abound with riches and wealth that are extraordinary and natural, the inner core is changing and we are able to access those parts of us that is open and healing for ourselves as individuals and this earth as a whole.......we are amazing beings and our true riches are our connection with source and abundant wealth that is everlasting and everseeing....

These gifts are ancient, wise and also sacred connecting with the sacred sights on this earth and the portals of knowledge that are opening at present, the sounds of the universal source are speaking to us to listen and open our hearts to this deep awareness that allows us to share through unspoken words and deep silence.

Entering into the silence is the key of lives energy system which has been mapped out through the keepers of this earth and their knowing of ancient knowledge.....

As we enter into the stillness and the deepening we are experiencing we are given the souls key to individuality and authentic ways that are our birthright and blessing of soul.

Sit quietly and tune in to your soul family and embrace them with the love of the knowing self who accepts lives gifts and its powerful resonance with our language of heart and soul,......... listen to Mother Earth and feel her love........bless this moment and be filled with unity and joy of connection.......


Thursday 20 October 2011

FEMININE AWAKENING: Who We Are...........

FEMININE AWAKENING: Who We Are...........: Blessings everyone.............. As we move through this time of alignment and planetary shift we are being given the tools to open our he...

Who We Are...........

Blessings everyone..............

As we move through this time of alignment and planetary shift we are being given the tools to open our hearts desire for freedom, uniqueness and oneness............
Who we are is our state of grace within the complexity of lives issues that are insurmountable..........simplicity and grounding in that which is purposeful and blessed with a life that is given as a gift of sharing who we are..........
The beauty of this place is that which loves life, feels gratitude and awareness off being here at this time of evolution..........
Sensitivity grows amidst the constant flow of being, wisdom gathers and opens its dwelling within and we are given the silence that is fundamental to this shift in consciousness and the blessed release into being......ness....
Listening within allows the message to awaken of who we are, as Divine beings of higher frequencies and light, our own interdimensional travel system that takes us on the journey and lives passageway of opening and realisation of our souls longing for understanding of lives purpose and why we are here at this time.......
Amongst the blessings there is truth that is our own alignment with our special qualities as beings who are multi-dimensional and free......there is a sense of unity as we deepen into this space of everlasting love and become aware of the joy that we have been given as this gift of life....
The alignment process is freeing...our skills of accomplishment become opened to the vastness of being......our souls beauty is interspersed with the desire to acknowledge that we are blessed with a boundless life that is abundant and filled with miracles.........
When we are graced with this part of our evolution we are creatures of knowing.....knowing that this time is one of amazement at how connected we are with the source of life and our passageway is acknowledged for being true to our own mission of space and time that no longer is relevant in terms of understanding......
We are shown the way....the path ....individual and awakened....transformed into acceptance that is fearless and light............this lightness of being is effervescent and knows all that is neccessary to live each moment with gratitude and love for this life we have chosen.........
The message is clear, accept beyond with the wisdom of the ancient source and live each moment with the wise ones who are guiding us home to ourselves......
Blessings and love.........