Saturday 14 December 2013


The Angels sing and unite with the Divine and this season of deep gratitude for life as we merge with the spheres and the freedom of light.....ness....... becomes who we are...................
We are welcoming in the beauty of the light frequencies as a blessing for the new season as it arrives through this winter celebration of hearts and souls belonging to the timeless wisdom that is ours to own as women who walk this New Earth.......................
Heart opening and deep feeling combined allows our shift of the ages to ground and be blessed with a time of loving remembrance for who we are as women of the ancient source who are liberated and live beyond the essence of time as magnificent beings , gifted healers who know themselves amidst the changes of this earth's resonance.........................
When we recall the forgiveness that has been granted for humanity and the wise earth that is being birthed we can feel the unity and joy of foreverness and breathe in the lightness as a frequency of truth and honest value for our hearts longing for peace..............
As the calendar year ends and 2014 arises to meet us we are aware that we are living beyond this energy of placement and are free to live within the rythym of our own lives as blessed ones who are acknowledged as souls of feminine love and joy...........................
Blessing for this timeless entry into the kingdom of heaven on earth.............................
