Tuesday 15 November 2011

Creation and Timing

Creation and unity are opening our hearts to the wisdom of being and our true freedom within.

For many of us this is about timing....... that part of our evolution......... that is creating our purposeful lives freely and releasing the historical self, conditioning and our sense of belonging that is intrinsic to our soul's on this earth.

It is an amazing time in the zone of timeless wisdom that always strengthens our resolve and belief in who we are as a human race......

This period is abound with riches and wealth that are extraordinary and natural, the inner core is changing and we are able to access those parts of us that is open and healing for ourselves as individuals and this earth as a whole.......we are amazing beings and our true riches are our connection with source and abundant wealth that is everlasting and everseeing....

These gifts are ancient, wise and also sacred connecting with the sacred sights on this earth and the portals of knowledge that are opening at present, the sounds of the universal source are speaking to us to listen and open our hearts to this deep awareness that allows us to share through unspoken words and deep silence.

Entering into the silence is the key of lives energy system which has been mapped out through the keepers of this earth and their knowing of ancient knowledge.....

As we enter into the stillness and the deepening we are experiencing we are given the souls key to individuality and authentic ways that are our birthright and blessing of soul.

Sit quietly and tune in to your soul family and embrace them with the love of the knowing self who accepts lives gifts and its powerful resonance with our language of heart and soul,......... listen to Mother Earth and feel her love........bless this moment and be filled with unity and joy of connection.......


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