Friday 18 May 2012


The New Moon energies on 20th May are bringing powerful awareness to the awakening soul and the need to empower our blissfulness with blessings that are greater than who we are................
We are living in an eternal awakening as we grow through the New Moon and the solar awakening of Mother Earth and her graceful knowledge of why we are here at this present moment ..............
The opening of source within our daily lives allows us to be freed into awareness and be blessed as a union with our creator and source energies..........we feel the personal longing to be home with ourselves as we finally shift into the opportunities to be still and transform together as one soul family.........
The power and the presence of our blessed Mother ......Earth and Cosmos awakening together bring an opening of our being that is wild and ecstatic...........
Feminine source coming together with the rays of light and vibrations of freedom carry us into the New World as a global matrix of illusive transformation.............
Grounding and blessing our lives and the wisdom that escalates as a powerful resource to bring our moments into the everlasting breath of love and the embrace of the field of longing which speaks through us and empowers the woman into the graciousness of transformation............
Blessed be for this New World being borne through and with us as an awakening source of golden rays and transformational joy.........

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