Thursday 2 April 2015


April is here, the month amidst the timeless wisdom of the changes we are experiencing as earthly and cosmic beings intertwined.......
This present moment expands and we become more aligned with our newness as multi D beings on an earth that feels transparent........
Transparency is the glow around of the new earth that looks at us as a source of oneness and light, the freeing aspect of ourselves grows amidst the inner pressure cooker that feels at boiling point and opens the portals of light and our inner gateways into the expansion of our souls inheritance and being here.......we are one with all that is...........aaaaaaagh.......!.......
Breathing in, our inner light expands,....... breathing through and out our gateways open to the cosmic soul and the infinite source ...........expanding and contracting the breath of God........the infinite one............
This month is freeing our soul expansion more and more and we can feel the rise of the cosmic energies as we stabilise our own vehicle for living and our opening hearts releasing the Divine as a source of life and pure love..........
The body is becoming crystalline in its form of light , the moves and shakes of the vehicle is transparent as it enlightens our souls journey as a crystalline form. ..........
The breath deepens and the wise soul inside opens and expands through our hearts longing to be free as a Divine form and living this life of freedom and deep knowing of who we are........
The blessings that this brings is clarity, vision and awareness that is asking to be created as a source and language of soul.........
Finding within us the way of being ,
gifts us with a joyous contentment that is everlasting and truly ours to own as our own journey of life..........

Blessed be.......................


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