Tuesday 6 March 2018


Blessings Everyone

As unity is more consistent and less divergence of our path ...embracing the new is a metaphor for life.

2018 is being blessed with more soul work and we are given the blessing of sacred union with ourselves to unify and be...come who we truly are.........

The blessings of the One source of all life is a new space of growth for many as life harmonises beyond the milieu...the old traditions change and we find ourselves in the magic of source light consistently upgrading and breathing thro this New Earth experience........life is full of surprises and everything is new........aaaaaaagh....!

Crystalline form .....body brightening uuuuuup as we allow the energies to be blessed inside and the sense of deepening beyond form into the formless and the One .......we are that which is......

When you meet someone for the first time do you feel them as you , not the mind or the programming or conditioning but a sense of deep connection beyond understanding ......a blessing of oneness......

The beauty of this time is endless as we become the infinite source that we already are , we unite into the remembrance of our true nature and knowing that this is real ......

The feminine has awakened her soul embodiment to reprogramme the deep feeling we are all experiencing she is there to show the way and know what is needed in any given moment , she is the connection with the Divine and the lightbody which sparkles continually , senses the longing and belonging to her source light and shares thro her everlasting light the magic of deep connection and peace.......

Our creativity is an expression of ourselves and our message of life grows thro us as we share thro sound and nature the blessed ones who are here as a gift from source....

Look out for the messages of heart and soul as the angels allow their guidance to be shared with you .....your spirit of life.....

As we move forward this year of 2018 we will be given the tools to strengthen and emerge as we sense our holiness and oneness growing thro the changes that are changeless......

It is a year of stargates opening to the heart of who we are ....we are blessed with the opening from within as our star emerges and gives way to allow the path of light to shine its way ahead and be anchored in the blessings of connection, synchronicities and joy......

Feel the blessings from within and the expansion of your heart as you emerge renewed and reborn as a being of pure source light.......aaaaaaaagh....!.

Blessed be beloveds......

Mucho Grande amore'........!


  1. well written.

